“Discover The 37 Foods that KILL up to 11 Pounds
of Belly Fat, Excess Water, and ‘Toxic Waste’
In Just 7 Days... Including Forbidden Foods Like
Chocolate, Peanut Butter, and BBQ!”
A breakthrough article by nutritionist Josh Bezoni.

Formerly Obese “Diet Guru” Reveals the Deadly Foods
that CAUSE Belly Bulge and the 37 Foods that KILL It…
Make These Simple Swaps to Your Meals and Finally
BLAST Away ALL of Your Unattractive Belly Fat FOREVER…
Who Would Have Thought That
Eating MORE Would Flatten Your Belly?!
Dear Friend,
If you haven’t been able to KILL your belly bulge no matter what you’ve tried …
And if you’re sick and tired of exercising like mad and starving yourself only to see the scale stop dead in its tracks, or even spin in the WRONG direction…
Then the PROVEN, belly-flattening breakthrough you’re about to discover will be music to your ears.
In fact, on this very page, I’m going to reveal the 3 things KEEPING you from a flat belly, and then I’m going to unveil my 3 BEST sneaky tricks to KILL up to 11 pounds of unattractive belly fat, excess water, and “toxic waste” from your body in just 7 short days…
And then you’ll continue to experience record weight loss until you have a flat belly fast… guaranteed.
WARNING: The high-speed weight loss information you’re about to discover is NOT for people who have a few vanity pounds to lose. It’s not for muscle-head “gym rats” with 4% body fat who already live on tuna and brown rice. And it’s certainly not for a “skinny chick” who love step aerobics and enjoys eating like a bird.
This information is for the busy folks (like me) who LOVE TO EAT but struggle to find the energy, willpower, and extra time in their day to achieve REAL and LASTING weight loss RESULTS.
The 3 Things KEEPING You From a Flat Belly
Doctors agree that internal belly fat is the most deadly kind of body fat there is. Studies show it dramatically increases the chance of illness such as heart disease, diabetes, certain cancers, Alzheimer’s, stroke, and even depression (suicide).
And if that wasn’t bad enough, that dreaded belly bulge makes us look unattractive and it can demolish our self-esteem and confidence to boot.
But, what makes this situation even more frustrating is the fact that belly fat is considered by many to be the most stubborn and impossible weight to penetrate and burn. It’s like the “Fort Knox” of body fat. Here’s why:
PROBLEM #1: Your Hormones Are Out of Whack: Chronic stress causes your body to release a fat-storing hormone called cortisol. The more cortisol your body releases, the more belly fat you store. Plus, eating the wrong foods causes the fat-storing hormone insulin to skyrocket, while a fat-burning hormone called glucagon gets turned off. (Hello, belly fat!)
PROBLEM #2: Your Belly-Burning Furnace Is Busted: When you want to lose a lot of weight, you should cut calories for long periods of time, right?
Cutting calories magnifies nutrient deficiencies in your body. This results in severe cravings as your brain sends emergency “low nutrient signals” to your stomach to eat more food.
Problem is, most people end up eating more “nutrient-dead food” which causes cravings to completely spiral out of control. (If you feel hungry all the time, now you know why.)
After about a week of dieting, your body is genetically programmed to fight back by lowering the hormones responsible for keeping your metabolism humming along (like the calorie-burning thyroid hormones). At the same time, it will increase the “hunger hormone” leptin. (Double whammy.)
As a result, your weight loss will come to a screeching halt, lickity split.
At this point, to keep burning fat you’ll be forced to reduce your calories even lower, and/or do MORE exercise. (Not fun… I’ve been there.)
PROBLEM #3: Your Food Is Laced with Obesity Additives: GIANT food manufacturers make BIG bucks creating “Frankenstein foods” that are stripped of belly-burning nutrients and stuffed full of dirt-cheap, artificial preservatives that make your belly bulge.
I call these chemicals Obesity Additives and studies show:
- They cause a mineral imbalance that results in bloating and excess water weight.
- They addict us by altering brain chemicals called neurotransmitters – just like the street drugs cocaine, morphine and nicotine do!
- They cause pounds of “toxic waste” to accumulate in our digestive tracks. (Believe me, that belly bulge or “pooch” is not all belly fat.)
Those are the 3 BIG obstacles keeping you from EVER getting a flat belly. But don’t worry: there is a realSOLUTION to these MAMMOTH problems. But, first…
Confessions of a Formerly Obese “Diet Guru”
It’s true. I used to have an extra 32 pounds of blubber on my body. It was quite embarrassing really; here I was, a top “diet guru” who used to be lean and mean while working as a nutritionist for Bill Philips at the top fitness companies EAS and Body for LIFE.

But, years later, those “3 big obstacles” I was just talking about finally caught up with me and I became clinically obese. Here I was, a nutritionist trying to help people get slim, but I was a balloon. Talk about feeling ashamed.
And the worst part was, none of my old tried-and-true strategies seemed to work for me anymore (like long-term, low-calorie diets).
Because of this, I had to go back to the drawing board and develop a completely NEW set of sneaky tricks designed for “hard-case” folks like me who have terrible, fat-storing genetics.
In this last-ditch effort, I took my 15 years of passion, education, and experience… studied over 1,200 new scientific studies… talked endlessly and compared notes with other experts and researchers… and used myself as a human guinea pig for months on end.
Finally, I discovered a breakthrough that allowed me to slash 11 pounds of belly fat, excess water, and toxic waste from my body in just 7 short days… and the speedy results kept coming until I finally got those 6-pack abs of my dreams!
My 3 Sneaky Tricks to Slashing Stomach Fat Fast
SNEAKY TRICK #1: The Calorie Confusion Method™: We’ve already established that severely cutting calories causes massive cravings along with a sudden drop in belly-burning hormones (if done longer than a week).
But, if you don’t diet, how can you lose weight? Good question. The solution is to simply change the number of calories you eat every 7 days just before your body “catches on” to what you’re doing and adjusts your fat-burning hormones.

Now, I’m not talking about indulging in a few “cheat meals,” I’m talking about actually changing the number of calories you eat every 7 days in a row.
This is my Calorie Confusion Method™ and if you do it the right way (and there is a wrong way to do this), you will fix your broken metabolism and trick your body into continuously burning excess calories and unattractive belly fat, WITHOUT hitting a plateau or igniting a tidal wave of hunger and cravings in the process.
Very cool!
But here’s the icing on the cake… you don’t have to actually count calories to enjoy the benefits of Calorie Confusion. In fact, I designed the method so that it AUTOMATICALLY does this for you just by following a few simple rules.

SNEAKY TRICK #2: Eat These 37 Foods That Kill Belly Fat: Yep. There are certain foods like dark chocolate, peanut butter, and turkey legs (no kidding) that KILL belly fat for very specific reasons, and there are other specific foods that CAUSE it (and I’m not talking about obvious junk foods either). The secret is learning both of these types and then knowing how to swap the bad for the good to get a flat belly fast.
What’s more, these special 37 foods DON’T contain addictive Obesity Additives, and they give you the nutrients you need to crush cravings while “scrubbing” your digestive track to eliminate pounds of “toxic waste” and excess water from your body in just the first WEEK.
And remember Cortisol, that nasty little stress-hormone that causes massive amounts of belly fat? Scientists have discovered that there are certain times during the day when you should eat these 37 foods, and when you do, you’ll zap cortisol levels by 17% in just 14 days.
Who would have thought you could control a belly-bulging stress hormone by eating tasty foods more often?
SNEAKY TRICK #3: My Thermal Burn Technique™: The truth is, a calorie myth is going on. You see, some calories ignite what I call “Thermal Burn” while others are plain “Thermal Duds.”
Get this, up to 30% of the calories you eat from certain foods, with a high Thermal Burn, will practically vanishafter eating them because your body uses lots of calories to digest certain foods (but not all foods).
So, if you eat 1,000 calories of certain belly-flattening foods, your body will only register 700 of them. This means you just ate 300 FREE CALORIES.

But are they all diet foods? Nope! How about a thick, juicy cheeseburger and sweet potato fries… mouth-watering pizza… and melt-in-your-mouth lasagna.
With my “Thermal Burn Technique” you’ll be able to ignite a burned-out metabolism by eating MORE food to lose MORE belly fat.
BAM! We Just Solved Problems #1, #2, and #3 in a Snap…
Next, I combined these 3 sneaky tricks (and several more) into my new, step-by-step, 7-Day Belly Blast Diet 2.0 and shared it with my students.
Just click the play button to see these 100% REAL results…

For all the details on these success stories Click Here.
And You Can FORGET About Rebound Weight Gain…
Unlike other diet programs that KILL your metabolism and eventually make you fatter, The 7 Day Belly Blast Diet 2.0 is so advanced that it actually prevents rebound weight gain by first repairing… and then IGNITING… your calorie-burning furnace, fast!
This way, when you lose all that belly fat and move on to the maintenance phase of the program, your metabolism is going to be faster than it has ever been in your entire life.
No other program in the world does what The 7-Day Belly Blast Diet 2.0 can do… and the BEST part is, your secret weapon isn’t a starvation diet or endless exercise… it’s eating delicious FOOD all day long. Now you really can eat your way thin and see jaw-dropping results in your very first 7 days!
The Complete 7-Day Belly Blast Diet 2.0 Program!![]() ![]() Solution #1: The Diet Manual ($197 Value): This is THE heart and soul of the program and includes step-by-step details on how to use my BEST sneaky tricks to a flat belly, including the Calorie Confusion™, Thermal Burn™, Obesity Additive Obliterator™, Sugar Loophole™, and Craving Cruncher™ methods, with easy-to-follow charts, tables, FAQs and more… I don’t do one-on-one diet consultations any longer…but, when I did, I charged $197 to reveal this type of information. The great thing is you will get ALL of my best tips in this manual for pennies on the dollar. But that’s just the tip of the ice berg… ![]() Solution #2: The Quick Start Guide ($27 Value): The 7-Day Belly Blast Diet 2.0 Quick Start Guide is like CliffsNotes™ for the entire program. You’ll want to refer back to this again and again as your belly fat begins to vanish and you get more and more excitedafter each day of the program. It will save you a lot of time and effort, for sure. ![]() Solution #3: The Success Tracker ($47 Value): This day-by-day Success Tracker allows you to record your fast weight loss and it makes following the program super simple. What’s more, this isn’t a few charts and graphs; each day is full of inspiring before and after photos with tips on how to get a flat belly even faster. ![]() Solution #4: 37 Foods that Kill Belly Fat Report ($37 Value):There are certain delicious foods that KILL belly fat and deadly foods that CAUSE belly fat. To get a flat belly fast, I’ll teach you how to swap the bad foods for the good. It’s really that simple. And that’s just what this manual is designed to do, with full-color photographs featuring name brand food swaps. Take it with you to the grocery store and swap that belly bulge for six-pack abs. ![]() Solution #5: Pre-Program Checklist ($17 Value): This detailed, step-by-step, itemized checklist ensures that you have everything you need before beginning the 7-Day Belly Blast Diet 2.0, including a comprehensive grocery list and our support contact information if you need help. ![]() Solution #6: The Weight Loss Supplement Review ($27 Value): Are you curious about which weight loss supplements rock and which, well… suck? If so, this Guide is for you. Inside, you’ll discover the worst weight loss supplements that are complete rip-offs and you DON’T need, followed by the vitamins and herbs that really DO make a difference in your results. ![]() Solution #7: Inspirational Success Video ($37 Value): You’ll laugh, cheer, and maybe even shed a tear when you watch this 60-minute inspirational video. Join us as we experience the journey of 6 amazing people who applied The 7-Day Belly Blast Diet 2.0 principles and achieved fat loss beyond their wildest dreams. See the happiness on their faces as they enjoy a Caribbean cruise with me… and learn the secrets of their success! ![]() Solution #8: The 7 Deadly Sins of Diet Scams Report ($27 Value): My goal is to protect you from all the weight loss scams and lies that are all over the TV, magazines and Internet these days. In this special report you’ll discover how to spot a scam in 15 seconds or less and I’ll give the inside scoop on what products you should avoid at all costs. For example, did you know that most diet foods can actually ADD belly fat, not remove it? Learn the truth. ![]() Solution #9: Fast Abs Manual ($27 Value): This step-by-step program with full-color photos outlines exactly what to do to get those attractive, head-turning six-pack abs that you’ve always wanted. Forget about doing all those back-breaking sit-ups, these new techniques make getting abs a snap. ![]() Solution #10: How to Lose 11 Lbs in 7 Days Diet Audio ($27 Value): In this 60-minute audio, I reveal all my BEST tips to dropping crazy amounts of weight in just a week. Discover the 3 obstacles that are keeping you from a flat belly and then the 3 sneaky tricks to overcoming them for a flat belly fast. |
You can also win a dream vacation with me and other 7-Day Belly Blast Diet 2.0 success stories. Just click the PLAY button below to see what everyone is talking about!
As you can see, this entire 10–part program is a real $470 value. But today, you have the opportunity to get it for one easy payment of $97.
One Easy Payment of $97

But Wait, There’s More…

When you order my 7-Day Belly Blast Diet 2.0, you'll also get instant access to the The 5 Simple Keys to Guaranteed Fat Lossvideo series – hosted by celebrity trainer Kim Lyons from the hit TV show, NBC’s The Biggest Loser!
Plus, you’ll also receive unlimited access to her superSupportive Fat Loss Community, where I’m at all the time. (Trying to lose weight on your own is not fun, let us help you!) These two bonuses are valued at $97, but today they’re yours –absolutely FREE!
And here’s the BEST part…
For a limited time, you’ll have an opportunity to have your very own personal trainer go through The 7-Day Belly Blast Diet 2.0 with you, as well as answer all your questions, keep you motivated, and hold to accountable for 10 whole days – 100% FREE with no obligation!
Trust me, this kind of one-on-one personal coaching makes all the difference in the world. Your trainer – supervised by Kim Lyons and me – absolutely will NOT let you fail on this program. Order the Belly Blast Diet today and your personal trainer will get you started losing fat fast TODAY!
But let me warn you again, The 7-Day Belly Blast Diet 2.0 is much too powerful for people who only have a few vanity pounds to lose. And this program is NOT designed for professional athletes or pro body builders who thrive on restrictive and extreme diet programs.
You see, I realized first-hand that no matter how embarrassing and painful extra body blubber is… there are still certain things the average dieter (including me), is NEVER going to put up with, NO MATTER WHAT. Like…
- Slow results
- Boring foods
- Confusing diet programs
- Not being able to eat out
- Not being able to eat your favorite foods
- Tracking calories all day long
- Or exercising non-stop like it’s your job
Truth is, I’ve never had the time, energy or willpower needed to put up with a diet that didn’t get me fast andlasting results, or one that required me to turn my life upside-down to see the scale move, and you shouldn’t either.
That’s why I designed The 7-Day Belly Blast Diet 2.0 to be the fastest and simplest program EVER created for those of us who LOVE to Eat but HATE the slow results and hunger pangs that most diets require.
Fact: This program will teach you how to quickly and easily FEED your belly-burning furnace so you can slash up to 11 pounds of belly fat, excess water, and toxic waste in as little as 7 days… GUARANTEED! And…
If You Don’t Get a Flat Belly Fast, Then It’s All FREE
I’ve dedicated my entire adult life to exposing weight loss scams and rip-offs. In fact, I consider it my job to protect my clients from all the empty promises out there.
That’s why I don’t blame you if you’re a little bit skeptical. It’s perfectly normal. So here’s what I’m going to do to put your mind at ease: I’m going to help satisfy your curiosity about this program while protecting your financial interests at the same time.
It works like this: simply agree to test-drive The 7-Day Belly Blast Diet 2.0 and follow it exactly as I’ve outlined, and if for some strange reason you don’t achieve a flat belly fast—and if all of your friends and family members don’t start showering you with compliments and encouraging words—I’llimmediately give you a fast and friendly refund for EVERY penny you invested in this proven program with absolutely, positively no hassle and no questions asked. You have my word.

“Are You Ready To FINALLY Kill up to 11 Pounds of Belly Fat,
Excess Water, and Toxic Waste Over the Next 7 Days?”
Here is the bottom line: If you really wanted to, you could go back to college and get a double major in biology and nutrition and spend 4 grueling years studying the areas of physiology, nutrition and biochemistry.
And then you could possibly go on and start your career as a nutritionist working for one of the best physical transformation experts in history (Bill Phillips at EAS and Body For Life), where you helped A-List actors and celebrities get in shape fast.
And then you could spend the next 15 years working with tens of thousands of clients across the country helping them slash well over 62,000 pounds of belly fat and body blubber.
And with all of that under your belt, you could probably go back to the drawing board and develop a cutting-edge program that was very similar to my 7 Day Belly Blast Diet 2.0 in terms of its overall effectiveness and rapid-fire results.
This all is certainly a possibility.
But wouldn’t you rather have me do all of the work for you? This way you can start getting INSTANT results now, without having to wait. Plus you can take comfort in knowing that you’re GUARANTEED to get a flat belly or you’ll get all your investment back right away.
This really is one of the easiest decisions you’ll ever have to make.
This really is THE ONE PERFECT TIME to click the Add to Cart Button below and immediately start getting the flat belly results you want and deserve. Unfortunately, you and I both know that if you don’t take action now, the belly fat will keep piling on and things will only get worse. (Don’t let that happen!)
I can’t wait to have you as another extraordinary success story and help guide you to a flat belly fast, every step of the way.
One Easy Payment of $97
To blasting away your belly!

Coach Josh
P.S. Don’t forget, with my no-questions-asked, 100% Money Back Guarantee you get 60 days to evaluate the program and make sure it truly is the fastest belly blasting program EVER created. Get your no-risk copy here.
P.P.S. If you’re still wondering if The 7 Day Belly Blast Diet 2.0 is right for you, just read the questions and answers below.
Q: What is The 7 Day Belly Blast Diet 2.0 and how does it work so fast?
The 7 Day Belly Blast Diet 2.0 is a strategic eating program that is scientifically designed to help you quickly overcome the 3 biggest challenges that are keeping you from a flat belly, including: (1) Hormone imbalances, (2) A slow and broken metabolism, and (3) Addictive foods that cause you to eat uncontrollably and make your belly bulge with toxic waste.
The secret to this program is: (1) The Calorie Confusion Method which constantly keeps your body guessing at the calories you will be eating so the scale never gets stuck and you keep burning body fat, (2) 37 specific foods recommendations that kill belly fat and rid your body of toxic waste, and (3) Eating Thermal Burn Meals that dramatically boost your calorie-burning metabolism while allowing you to eat more food to lose more belly fat.
This program has been proven to help men and women from all ages and backgrounds to achieve maximum weight loss in minimum time. In fact, many of our success stories were able to lose up to 11 pounds in just the first 7 days and then go on to get a flat belly in record time.
Q: Is this only a 7 day program?
No. You can continue to use this program until all of your unwanted belly bulge is gone. However, one of the important components to the program is changing your calorie intake every 7 days. You will be doing this with The Calorie Confusion Method, which allows you to burn belly fat at an accelerated rate without hitting a plateau or experiencing rebound weight gain.
Q: Am I going to be hungry all the time like most other diets?
Nope. In fact, one of the keys to The 7 Day Belly Blast Diet 2.0 is eating all day long. When you eat all day long, you boost your calorie-burning metabolism and decrease certain fat-storing hormones. Don't worry, most people who follow the program successfully don’t think they’re not eating enough, they think they are eating too much!
Q: Does this program take extreme amounts of time and effort?
Not a chance. I have got to admit, like you, I am a very busy individual and there is no way I will follow a program that takes extreme amounts of time, energy, or willpower. If you are looking for a program that requires excessive dieting, or has you working out like a professional athlete, then this is not the program for you.
Q: But what about rebound weight gain?
That is the thing that is so incredible about The 7 Day Belly Blast Diet 2.0. It is specifically designed to avoid rebound weight gain because it actually works by repairing your damaged calorie-burning metabolism.
This way, when you decide to get off of the program, your metabolism is going to be faster than it has ever been before in your life. This is what sets The 7 Day Belly Blast Diet 2.0 apart from ANY other program.
Most programs end up hurting your metabolism with massive calorie restriction. But through Calorie Confusion, this weight loss breakthrough actually helps boost your belly-burning furnace.
Q: Can I use The 7 Day Belly Blast Diet more than once?
Absolutely! This is a very balanced yet strategic approach to lifetime weight loss. You can use it continuously to lose weight and maintain your weight loss, or you can get use the program anytime you need a quick, 7-day loss of body weight before a special event.
Q: What if I have a lot of weight to lose, will it work for me?
This program was designed for people who have a lot of weight to lose! Just look at the extraordinary before and after photos displayed on this page. Good folks from around the globe are losing 20, 30, 40, 60, 80, and 100+ pounds of body fat, fast! Now it's your turn!
Q: I want to start getting results now: do I have to wait for you to ship me the program before I get started?
No! This entire program will be available for your instant access right after you purchase. No shipping fees, no waiting for results!
Q: I'm not a spring chicken any longer, will this program work for someone older?
If you look at the success stories on this page, I have people in their 30s, 40s, 50s and even 60s losing record amounts of weight even after every other diet in the past had failed them. Take Marie Seibel, for example. She had been trying to lose weight for 40 years without success. But, she finally lost 30 pounds with The 7 Day Belly Blast 2.0 program. Just think, if a 63-year-old, post-menopausal grandma like Marie can finally lose the weight... so can you!
Q: Does this program work just as quickly for men and women?
Of course. As you can see from the success stories on this page, this program works for everyone across the board because it is based on science.
Q: What if the program doesn't work for me?
Then it's all free. It works like this: if you follow The 7 Day Belly Blast Diet 2.0 program exactly as I have outlined it, you are going to lose more weight, in shorter periods of time, than you ever have before. And if for some strange reason you don't, I will return 100% of your money with no questions asked.
Believe me, I am so excited about this program all I want is the opportunity to prove to you that it works. Sure, some people will try to take advantage of this generous money-back guarantee. But, I am not worried about them… I am worried about helping you!
© 2011 Belly Fat Free LLC – BellyFatFree.com, Get a Flat Belly Fast Become an Affiliate
Contact us: Support@7DayBellyBlastDiet.com
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Contact us: Support@7DayBellyBlastDiet.com
We take your privacy very seriously. Our entire privacy policy by TRUSTe. Terms of Use Terms & Conditions
*Required Legal Disclaimer: Due to recent laws from the FTC, it is required that all companies identify what a "typical" result is. The truth is that most people never do anything with the products they buy, so most of the time, they don’t get any results. In other words, if you want results you need to take action. The people you see on this web site are examples of our best results and are not typical. They followed a healthy lifestyle program including diet, exercise and proper supplementation. In other words, they took action. If you want results, you should do this, too.